Friday, February 4, 2011

Jobs in Soil and Land Survey of India

Filling up of 8 Posts of Assistant Field Officer ( Group B, Non -Gazetted, Non Ministerial) in the Soil & Land Use Survey of India in the Pay Band of 9300-34800+4200(grade pay) on deputation basis.

Send your bio Data to below Address within 30 days from3/02/2011 

Head Quarter :-

Dr. S. N. Das
Chief Soil Survey Officer
Soil and Land Use Survey of India (HQ)
IARI Buildings, NEW DELHI - 110 012
Ph. 011-25841263, Tele Fax: 25843811


The Soil and Land Use Survey of India (SLUSI) established in 1958 under Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India is a premier institution in the field of soil and land resource survey in the country. The Organisation is engaged in conducting soil surveys of various kinds and intensities to provide sound data base for land based developmental programmes to the State user Departments and agencies. It operates soil survey from its headquarters at New Delhi , through four regional centres located at Bangalore , Kolkata, Nagpur , and North (NOIDA) and three sub centres at Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Ranchi respectively.

A remote sensing centre has also been established with the assistance of FAO/UNDP at headquarter during 1982 and acquired the advanced technology for soil and land resource mapping and management of spatial data. Subsequently the centre has been upgraded with an advanced SUN ULTRA-60 and SUNSPARC-10 workstation based computer system alongwith four SUNSPARC-4 workstations. The other peripheral hardwares includes Digitizer, Scanner, Tape drive as input devices and Electrostatic plotter, Thermal plotter, Pen plotter, Inkjet plotter, Bubblejet printer and Laser printers as output devices. The spatial database development is continuing with ARC/IFO (Geographic Information System), ERDAS Imagine (Image Analysis System) and Ingres (Relational Data Base Management System) software packages.

Centered around the prime objective of the of acquisition and dissemination of soil and land resource data for servicing developmental programmes, the specific mandate of the organisation includes prioritization of watersheds in the catchment with respect to their relative sediment yield and run-off generation potential, development of detailed soil database, districtwise land degradation mapping; development and operationlisation of space borne RS techniques for mapping soil and land use and monitoring of the dynamics of land degradation, etc. Development of Soil Information System using GIS and RDBMS, documentation and updating of soil survey status of the country, preparation of the Digital Watershed Atlas of India and conducting biannual Short Course Training on soil and land resources for integrated watershed development for State User Departments are some of the thrust area of operational activities.

The information on the activities and achievements of the organization, growth of activities, major activities and thrust area and brief descriptions of the major activities are outlined in the bulletin to have an idea of the nature and content of data base available with the organisation.

The organization and codification of watersheds up to microwatershed level is the promising work of the organization that has been demonstrated in the bulletin. The potential application of soil information for agriculture development and watershed management has also been explained for better usage of database.

The infrastructure with location of different work centres and survey jurisdiction information availability of database for priority watersheds alongwith soil and land resource information on 1:50,000 scale and detailed soil data base on 1:15,000 scale and cadestral base are also highlighted in the bulletin to facilitate the accessibility to the data base generated by AISLUS.


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