JEEViKA- Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project, a Government of Bihar Project. assisted by the World Bank, aims •to empower the rural poor by creating self managed community Institutions and enhancing incomes through sustainable livelihoods. The Project is striving to bring change in the lives of 51akh poor families of Bihar by promoting livelihQ..ods through community institution,_ their federations and producers groups. The Project is being implemented by an independent society; Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion SocIety (BRLPS) created under the Department of Finance, Govt. of Blhar.,Formore details about
the Project please visit
Last date : 29th October 2011
In a short span of three and half years, we have been able to reach out to 4,60,000 poor households, organizing them into 38000 Self Help Groups and 2200 village level federations. These institutions have not only generated ~ 20.20 crore as their own funds. but also managed to leverage ~ 82.0 crore from the Banks. Our success in covering more than 1,!)O,OOO poor farmers under SRI and SWI methods in 11414 hectare of agriculture. productivity enhancement has paved way for the Gov!. of Bihar announcing an 8RI revolt/tion across the state.
Openings at State Level:
1. ProJect . Manager; 5-UR (Slaff Learning & Performance Management.i. Monitoring &
Evaluation-i, Capacity Building.1, Communicatlon.i, Marketing & Innovation-1) •
2. Data Administrator~ UR (1 position)
3. Project Associate: SC (1 position)
4. Accoum.nt: UR (1 position)
s, Office assistant ; ESC (1 position)
Openings at District level:
6. District ProJect Manager: EBC (1 pcsltlon]
7. Traln1ng Manager: SC•1, Be-i. EBC•1 (3 positions)
'8. Finance Manager: SC (Z po$ltlbns) , •
9. Manager: 6 (5-SC, Nit) (Thematic area; MonitOring & Evaluation-4, CommuntcatioD-1. Social
development.1) ,
10. Training Officer: SC (2 positions)
Openings at Block Level: .
11. Block ProJectMahtlger : SC (2 Positions)
12. ChlefExecutive•Women Farmers Produ'CerCompany: UR (3 positions).
13. LlvelihooCls Specialist: SC•2; ST-i. BC W-1 (4 pOSitions)
14. Aocountant: UR.3, EBC-3, SeW.i, SC-10 (17 positions)
15. OfficeAsslstant: ESC-6, SC~, BCW.1-{16posltlonsl
Please Visit :-
Proficiency in computers and command on MS Office is essentiaLfor all positions. Reservation rules of• Government of Bihar would apply in filling the above vacancies. Reservation benefits would be extended only to domiciled residents of Blhar.
Government employees and persons employed with PSUlBanks are also enCouraged to apply. Relevant deputation norms would be applicable for them, They would be entitled to additional benefits as perthe norms.
Retired Officials from Government I PSUJ Banks with relevant experience with enough zeal and willingness to work for the cause of lite poor may also apply for suitable posts.
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